James Movie is an upcoming Indian Hindi-language biographical crime drama film. The movie release date is March 17, 2022. directed by Chethan Kumar. The film starring Puneeth Rajkumar, Meka Srikanth, Mukesh Rishi, Priya Anand and Ketan Karande in the lead cast in this movie.
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James Information
- Release Date: 17 March 2022 (India)
- Movies Name: James (2022)
- Genre: Action, Comedy, Drama
- Director: Chethan Kumar
- Producer: Kishore Pathikonda
- Production: Kishore Productions
- Writer: Chethan Kumar
- Music: Charan Raj
- Language: Hindi, Kannada
- Watch on: Theatres
James Story?
James also called Santhosh Kumar, who works as a manager in a security company and finds himself up against the big bad guys.
James Star Cast
- Puneeth Rajkumar / Santhosh Kumar
- Meka Srikanth as Vijay Gayakwad
- Mukesh Rishi
- Priya Anand as Nisha Gayakwad
- Ketan Karande
- Rangayana Raghu
- Sal Yusuf
Special appearances
- Puneeth Rajkumar as Santhosh Kumar
- Meka Srikanth as Vijay Gayakwad